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Titre: John of Calore
Auteur(s): John of Calore J. COURTENAY, E. D. GODDARD, Rotuli Parisienses. Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 44), Leiden – Boston 2013, vol. 3/1, pp. 108- 109; BULAEUS, Historia Universitatis Parisiensis 4, p. 997. CUP, 3, n o 1288, p. 108. W. J. COURTENAY, “Inquiry and Inquisition: Academic Freedom in Medieval Universities,” in Church History 58/2 (1989), pp. 168-181, esp. p. 180. P. GLORIEUX, « Jean de Falisca. La formation d’un maître en théologie au XIVe siècle, » in Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age (1967), p. 92. See also his involvement in the Blanchard affair in A. E. BERNSTEIN, Pierre d'Ailly and the Blanchard affair: University and Chancellor of Paris at the beginning of the Great Schism (Studies in medieval and reformation thought, 31), Leiden 1978, pp. 91, 148-149. E HRLE , Der Sentenzenkommentar Peters von Candia, pp. 52-53; GLORIEUX, « Jean de Falisca, » p. 92. CUP, 3, n o 1305, p. 128. Z. KALUZA, Thomas de Cracovie: Contribution a l'histoire du College de la Sorbonne au XIVe siècle, Wroclaw 1979, p. 89. O. WEIJERS, Queritur utrum. Recherches sur la 'disputatio' dans les universités médiévales (Studia Artistarum, 20), Turnhout 2009, p. 91. See also M. B. H AUREAU, « Notice sur le numero 16409 des manuscrits latins de la Bibliotheque Nationale, » in Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale et autres bibliotheques, Paris 1895, pp. 355-356. CUP, 3, n o 1288, pp. 108-109. C. D. D’A RGENTRÉ , Collectio Judiciorum de Novis Erroribus, Paris 1728, vol. 1, p. 387. WEIJERS, Queritur utrum, p. 91. L. CIOCA, “The Parisian Background of Henry of Langenstein through the Case of John of Calore’s vesperies,” in Notes from the Classroom Recorded by Henry of Rinfeldia. A Medieval Case-Study from the Faculty of Vienna, ed. M. BRÎNZEI, forthcoming. E HRLE , Der Sentenzenkommentar Peters von Candia, pp. 52-53. CUP, 3, n o 1305, p. 128. PETRUS LOMBARDUS, Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, 2, d. 25, ed. I. BRADY (Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, 5), Grottaferrata 1971, pp. 461-469. PETRUS LOMBARDUS, Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, 3, d. 1-5, ed. I. BRADY (Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, 5), Grottaferrata 1981, pp. 22-49 lot about John of Calore revolves around his vesperies and the retractation he presented to the university, “quia male sonat,” but the episode did not retard his future career, as he later became chancellor of Notre Dame. In 1362, Bonsembiante refers to him as baccalarius in theologia. Considering that he retracts his vesperial position in 1363, his inception can be dated either earlier in 1363, or late 1362. He is already magister in theologia Parisius actu regens in June 1365. vesperies have not survived as such, but we have two sets of records. First of all, Stephen Gaudet was a respondent at the event, and recorded the title and his intervention in the form of three conclusions, which are now extant in ms. Paris, BnF, Lat. 16408, f. 116r, and Paris, BnF, Lat. 16409, f. 176r. Because Gaudet was a bachelor at the time, his testimony can only refer to the expectativa. Second of all, we have Calore’s own retractions from the vesperies, edited in the Chartularium and D’Argentré, Collectio Judiciorum., which means these retractions refer to the second vesperial question. The two records of Calore’s vesperies can cause some confusion. Weijers has already pointed out that Gaudet’s conclusions could have only been put forth during the expectativa, as he was a bachelor at the time. In fact, Gaudet himself says: “Prima in vesperiis magistri Iohannis de Calore.” “Prima” can be understood as “prima questio,” since it is the only possible session where a bachelor could intervene. The vesperial title, as recorded by Gaudet, is: “whether the highest legislator can oblige the rational creature, who is not free, to his worship.” Weijers goes on to say that, whilst Glorieux takes Calore to be the vesperiandus, there is a possibility that he was, in fact, the magister presidens.
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