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Titre: Rudolph of Castello
Auteur(s): Rudolph of Castello RAPP, “Augustinian Theology,” pp. 241, 247, 266, 268. He was also a source of Angelus de Dobelin’s commentary. Cf. D. TRAPP, “Angelus de Dobelin, Doctor Parisiensis, and his Lectura,” in Augustinianum 3/2 (1963), p. 393. CUP, 3, n o 1248 a , p. 70. See also Y PMA, « La résompte incomplete, » p. 32. CUP, 3, n o 1256, p. 75. IOHANNES DE BASILEA OESA, Lectura super Secundum Librum Sententiarum, dd. 20-21, q. 14, concl. 2, cor. 1, ed. MARCOLINO, BRȊNZEI, OSER -GROTE , vol. 3, p. 227. IOHANNES DE BASILEA OESA, Lectura super Secundum Librum Sententiarum, dd. 20-21, q. 14, ed. MARCOLINO, BRȊNZEI, OSER -GROTE , vol. 3, p. 226-227 little is known about Rudolph of Castello, and most of it is in relation to John Hiltalingen of Basel’s commentary on the Sentences, where he is quoted. In 1359, the prior of his order arranged for him to read the Sentences in place of John of Petra, who did not want to lecture that year. His ascension to magisterium completely skipped the tempus profectionis, because in 1361 he was already regent master, which means he incepted right after finishing the lecture on the Sentences, either later in 1360, or the first half of 1361. vesperies have not survived, but they are referenced by Hiltalingen in his commentary on the second book of Sentences, distinctions 20-21, question 14, conclusion 2, first corollary: “The first corollary against master Rudolph of Castello at the vesperies and Facinus of Ast in the second book, in that question: whether the infinite God is infinitely offended by the sin of the will.”
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