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NomAfficher les éléments des auteursChronologieCollection(s)
Adam Eastonview items1355 - 1364Authors
Adam Marshview items1235 - 1243Authors
Bartholomew of Anciacoview items1348 - 1353Authors
Bartholomew Tebaldi of Urbeveteriview items1386 - 1388Authors
Bonsembiante Baduariusview items1358 - 1363Authors
Conrad of Ebrachview items1368 - 1371Authors
Durandus of Saint-Pourcainview items1307 - 1312Authors
Fernandus Iohannis of Toledoview items1340 - 1343Authors
Francis Massa of Bellunoview items1343 - 1346Authors
Francis of Perusioview items1360 - 1370Authors
Frederic Frezziview items1378 - 1391Authors
Frederic of Veniceview items1370 - 1390Authors
Gregory of Riminiview items-Authors
Henry of Langensteinview items-Authors
Hermann Lurcz of Nurembergview items1386 - 1396Authors
Iannociusview items1349 - 1359Authors
John Hiltalingen of Baselview items1365 - 1372Authors
John Monmouthview items1288 - 1290Authors
John of Alderfordview items1293 - 1300Authors
John of Caloreview items1362 - 1365Authors