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Titre: Walter of Knolle
Auteur(s): Walter of Knolle ITTLE , PELSTER , Oxford Theology, p. 76; L ITTLE, ‘The Franciscan school at Oxford,” p. 858; S. J. BREWER, Monumenta Franciscana, London 1858, p. 556; A. G. L ITTLE , The grey friars in Oxford, Oxford 1892, p. 158. MOORMAN, The grey friars in Cambridge, p. 144. L ITTLE , PELSTER , Oxford Theology, p. 51; GLORIEUX, L’enseignement, p. 142. D. H. POUILLON, « Le Manuscrit d'Assise, Bibl. comm. 196: Description, » in Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 12 (1940), pp. 329-358. POUILLON, « Le Manuscrit d'Assise, Bibl. comm. 196, » p. 347. POUILLON, « Le Manuscrit d'Assise, Bibl. comm. 196, » p. 356. POUILLON, « Le Manuscrit d'Assise, Bibl. comm. 196, » p. 356. L ITTLE , PELSTER , Oxford Theology, pp. 15-16, 99. PETRUS LOMBARDUS, Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, 3, d. 2, ed. I. BRADY (Spicilegium Bonaventurianum, 5), Grottaferrata 1981, pp. 27-31. few dates describe Walter of Knolle’s life, and, fortunately for us, most of them regard his academic activity. Successor to Nicholas of Ockham, he was the 19th lector of the Franciscans at Oxford, where he incepted in theology around 1286-1287. He did, however, move to Cambridge, where he appears as the 23rd Franciscan master, holding lectures between c. 1293-1295 filio incarnato posset alia incarnari. una persona incarnata possit alia incarnari, puta incarnato verbo possit Pater incarnari vel Spiritus sanctus.
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